Friday, April 11, 2008

Vinho Ladies Farm Vistit 10th April Update

Vinho Ladies Farm Visit-10th April 2008

Getting there is great fun!

The canoe trip is always wobbly and a great part of the adventure. Katie accompanied us to get a story for the newsletter.

Since our visit on the 8th, the ladies have erected small thatched structures over the lettuce seedlings. These seedlings are now ready for transplanting.

A discussion about the difficulty the ladies have carrying water in a watering can up the steep bank from the river. Before we can say anything to the group about how we want to support them-a pump is on the budget, we have to speak to the local agriculture government authority to check what steps have to be taken to implement the planned action.

The Vinho Fumo listens to a discussion about integrated planting of vegetables. I explained what should be planted and where to plant different vegetables in community with each other, in one machamba.

This incredible lady (with hoe) is missing a foot, but if you didn’t see it, you wouldn’t guess it!

I wanted another group photo because some of these ladies were not present on the 8th. I hope to get a great photo of the entire group soon.


Unfortunately, the nicotine infusion is not having the desired effect and we still have a pest problem. I will make a quick trip tomorrow to check if the pesticide that I took to them today has worked. We mixed some there to show them how and they were going to apply it later in the day when it was cooler. (It was too hot to apply at the time)

We also supplied pumpkin, cucumber, butternut, water Melon seed to use as living ground cover. Chili and Coriander seed, Swiss chard and carrot seed. I had also brought some Green Bean seed but the packet split and it was lost along the way, I will get more. I am still looking for broccoli seed and various herb seed and garlic. Hopefully I will get these in the next week.

Grant Norvall

10th April 2008

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