Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Are We Losing?

People, the world over, work because they have to make a living. Some are fortunate enough to travel and see other parts of the world, go on safari and appreciate the thing that is the worlds biggest tourist attraction; Mother Nature. Indeed, she has many wondrous and magnificent things to show us, and whilst on holiday, those who can afford the luxury, these wonderful things are seen, explained by tour/nature guides and appreciated. But this appreciation is sometimes only for the moment, and only individual aspects are highlighted and the 'big picture', how everything within an ecosystem works is not understood. These fleeting visits to enjoy the beauty of nature does not leave an impact on the visitors, the plight of ever receding natural habitats does not register as a problem. In short, most people do not understand what we can lose, and so one of the biggest and most daunting tasks the people who do understand this problem have, is to make people realise what is really happening, then there is an outside chance that something can be done simply because more people do something positive to help.

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