Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Transition to Organic Farming

The most daunting decision to make for any farmer who relies on what their land can produce for survival, is to change from a well known system they have used for years, to something that is new, something that in that farmers eyes is open to all sorts of failure. The image above is a grim reality to every hard working farmer; PESTS. Another are crop diseases, and what they find hard to get past is that if they do not control pests and disease, their crops will never amount to anything. One of the most difficult obstacles we have is that the transitional phase may well produce poor results in the first two or three years. So in order to help poor farmers in developing countries make the transition, they would have to be assisted to a point where their land has regained its natural healthy balance and can once again produce abundantly for them.

Next, we will cover the process of bringing the soils and the farming environment back from 'ill health' to a self sustaining, balanced micro ecosystem, of which the people and everything else on the land are an integral part.

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